The only thing
better than singing
Is more singing.
Ella Fitzgerald
In light of the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic, we have put guidelines in place to open the school and run our classes safely for everyone. Please read through the following guidelines:
Any student showing signs of a cold will not be allowed in the building until 48 hours after symptoms have ended OR a negative test result.
If a test is needed for the student or any member of your household, please do not let your child return until the results come back negative for all and 48 hours have passed since the day of the test.
If a student becomes unwell during class, they will need to be collected immediately. Feedback on the student’s health will be needed to allow time for any necessary action.
Staff will be given comprehensive advice/information/training in all measures regarding the role they play in safe operating procedures.
Arrival and pick up times to be staggered by age group.
Class start and end times to be staggered by age group.
Temperature checks will be taken before each lesson.
There will be a hand sanitizer station and washing of hands will be compulsory before and after class.
Students will be regularly reminded to avoid touching their face, eyes, nose and mouth.
There will be a one-way system in place, enter from the side door and exit through the door attached to the studio on the far left.
Students will be asked to enter the building in clothing and footwear ready to start classes and not to change clothing/footwear in the building. (Unless doing multiple classes) Long hair must be tied back and strictly no jewellery may be worn. Parents will be asked to take outdoor coats away with them and bring back on pick-up.
The waiting area will be limited to only those with young students or those who do not drive.
Parents are to wait in the car park (with a mask on) or in their cars.
Physical Distancing/Grouping within class:
Social Distancing will be adhered to throughout the building (One metre plus) and within class.
Number of students using each specific room/studio will be dependent on the size of room and age of child in order to carry out the advised One Metre Plus social distancing recommendation.
Furniture will be altered in order to minimize contact between students.
Dance: No contact will be carried out during dance, and all choreography/technique will be mindful of social distancing.
Acting: All students will receive if needed their own paper handouts, no sharing is permitted, close contact will be avoided and visa for over Intermediates/Seniors may be introduced in the near future.
Singing: All students will be socially distanced, facing the same way and visa’s for Intermediates/Seniors may be introduced in the near future.
Windows will be opened to allow ventilation of the studio.
Mobile phones must be kept in bags and not brought out except in an emergency.
Students will be asked to bring in their own note pad and pen/pencil and not share
these items.
Following Holy Innocents Church Hall’s own cleaners’ attendance, staff will ensure all door handles and switches and other touched surfaces will be wiped with anti-bac wipes/spray regularly throughout the day.
Staff and students will be asked to wash hands regularly.
Handwash, paper towels and hot water will be provided by Holy Innocents Church Hall. Additional supplies and sanitizer will be provided by HB Theatre Arts.
All hand-washing and bathroom areas will be cleaned regularly throughout the day and at the end of use.
Internal doors will be kept open where appropriate to avoid handles being touch constantly.